Young Town Saturday is a radio hosted by Sanma Akashiya and Murukami Shoji, as of mid 2007 his current line up has been Takahashi Ai and Michishige Sayumi, during 2010 the round up of the rotating OG members had started consisting of Nakazawa Yuko, Yasuda Kei, Yoshizawa Hitomi and former regular Fujimoto Miki.
I will be trying to translate the summaries, though they're rough but I feel like it's still pretty fun to know what they're talking about. Thank you and enjoy!
Please enjoy!
Sanma Akashiya | Murukami Shoji | Takahashi Ai | Michishige Sayumi
This week's OG guest is former YT regular, Fujimoto Miki.
Some compilation broadcasts of last year/ 2011 dream/ambition?
・Fujimoto, plans to go to Paris with her husband.
・Shoji to hold a Guiness record of "The most walnuts cracked with a bottom in one minute." [No pun intended from my translation.]
・Sanma-san's Guiness record of "Japan's most aired tv star."
◎First part corner:
・Sanma-san's brother in horse racing.[Image]
・Sanma: The real data is... I didn't even try to do half.
Ambition for 2011 is.....?
Fujimoto: For me, well I want to "make a child".
Sanma: "Dirty Joke?", Fujimoto: I don't mean that! lol
Sanma: Well then, you're definitely feeling it, that's bad. Fujimoto: In what way? lol
Michishige: With the new members coming in, I would like to get a bit familiar with them all, I would like to give it my all.
Sanma: As a senpai you'll have to hold onto your closure. Michishige: Yes.
Sanma: "To go about ambiguously" and this "to live ambiguously" is quite difficult.
Shoji: Living in such a way is like your heart knows something or lives each part at a time.
◎Michishige's 721 T-shirt design....?
Sanma: There is definitely a reason for this "721"?
Michishige: 21st July was the recording of the first time I was ranked by women on London Hearts.
It was like a turning point inside me, because of that it's a very important day for me, I'll always have inside.
・Fujimoto, she and her husband send 1-30 mails each day.
・Sanma: When he comes home do you "kiss kiss kiss"? Fujimoto: We do, we do. Shoji: How disgusting lol.
・ 60% of husband's have cheated - data.
◎Having a baby and your husband cheats is scary......?
Fujimoto: Having a baby then the whole opposite, I find scary. It doesn't seem like the atmosphere to cheat.
Sanma: Well I guess a lot is said during pregnancy...when my wife was pregnant I was scared and not able to do anything, what would I do if the baby went 'bam'. What if I were to betray her during that time. That's why during pregnancy it's scary to do something bad.
-Something about a baseball player.
◎Murukami (Shoji)'s blog corner
・Sanma-san's new years card was of a "Ancient times not moving on" image, this year is the year of the rabbit. Is this Michishige's year?
・There is a person with a Shoji-like way of acting, the show is seldom in growing, something which is the truth.
◎Takahashi Ai's Kamimasen corner (Game)
Puniness, Jackson, Youth, Jakuso [All sounding like Jakushon or Jakusho], Yasu, Departure, Bus, Gasu, Explosion [All sounding like basu, hasu gasu].
Michishige~×× Sanma: What are you lot gonna do in the upcoming weeks?
Song: Bravo~ - Morning Musume
◎Takahashi Ai will definitely Iyasemasen corner [They say sexy words game]
Takahashi Ai: ...Do what you want.
Sanma: Ah so , so.
Michishige: ...I feel excited.
Sanma: Ah so , so.
Fujimoto: ...Let's end this already.
Sanma: Why you puttin' on airs of being cute
Sanma: It's like your married to an old man who smashes walnuts.
Fujimoto: Old man you say? lol
Takahashi:....You're being pretty bad today.
Sanma: That was just wrong.
Michishige: ...Teach me many things.
Sanma: I think this is a perfect style for you as an M (masochist).
Fujimoto: ....Saying it only once
Fujimoto: Isn't that okay?
Sanma: Eh? Is that even said? Stupid.
Original Summary:
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